recovery motivation

This blog post will discuss the importance of motivation in the recovery journey and suggest ways to maintain it, ensuring progress toward long-term sobriety and personal development. Karen has over a decade of experience working as a therapist with individuals, couples, and families. She specializes in the treatment of substance abuse and mental illness, and has developed a particular interest in supporting the holistic needs of families who are affected by these struggles.

recovery motivation

Recite Positive Affirmations

This piece is somewhat controversial because it suggests that addiction is a social/environmental issue while failing to address the impact of trauma, genetics, brain chemistry, etc. This clip is an excellent tool for generating discussions and is one of the best TED Talks for addiction. Generate a to-do list of small, specific action steps that will lead you in the direction of your overall goal. Each step must pass the test of being realistic, important to you, and measurable, which means that you (and others) will be able to know when the step is completed. This can be either handwritten or stored electronically, but your plan has to be captured in some medium so you can go back and review it regularly.

  • It helps us uncover beliefs that are not helping us /contributing to the behaviour we are trying to change.
  • When individuals find reasons why they want to change, such as improving their health or relationships, they can stay motivated.
  • 18 of the best TED Talks for addiction and recovery by healthcare professionals, athletes, a Fortune 500 entrepreneur, a former Miss USA, and more.
  • By nurturing our motivation and learning to rekindle it when necessary, we set ourselves up for a more consistent and fulfilling journey towards recovery.
  • The change plan worksheet captures and organizes essential elements of a plan, including desired changes, reasons, steps, helpers, success indicators, and obstacles.

Incredible Recovery and Sobriety Memoirs I Want Everyone to Read

recovery motivation

Further, those friends can serve as a cue that sets off drug craving and challenges the recovery process. • Meaning and purpose—finding and developing a new sense of purpose, which can come from many sources. It may include rediscovering a work or social role, finding new recreational interests, or developing a new sense of spiritual connection.

recovery motivation

Are You Ready to Get Motivated?

Self-help strategies can be a good way to start improving your self-esteem. If you continue to struggle with low-self esteem, talk to your doctor or mental health professional. They can recommend treatments that may help, which may include recovery motivation psychotherapy or medications to treat underlying feelings of depression or anxiety. While alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors can initially mask insecurities and even make people feel more confident, these feelings are short-lived.

Making Difficult Choices

If a major change seems like too much, break it down into smaller acts, and choose to do one a day or one a week, whichever you feel you’ll follow through on. With each small change, inwardly celebrate your success in moving toward your goal. Everyone has things they would like to change in their own lives, or in the lives of those around them, but for people with addictions, change happens in stages.

Consider these four ways to find inspiration during your recovery journey:

There will be days filled with enthusiasm and clarity, and others where apathy and confusion reign. Accepting this fluid nature of motivation, rather than resisting it, can be the first step in ensuring that it remains a constructive force in your addiction recovery journey. Staying motivated in addiction recovery can be challenging when you feel overwhelmed by past mistakes or anxious about the future. Focusing on the present moment can help you stay motivated for change in recovery.

Best Books About Addiction

These services include counseling, 12-step programs and sober housing. Engaging in aftercare services is a critical component to recovery because 40 to 60 percent of people who complete treatment experience relapse. Before entering treatment, individuals must commit to getting sober.

“You are stronger than you think” reminds us that we have the power to overcome addiction and build a better life for ourselves. In short, get a strong support system, interact with the recovery community, and be a support to others. It’s time to level up and try again; getting back up after a relapse is like hitting the reset button on a motivational video game. It’s important to find the right supporters for your recovery, just like finding the right treatment.

Acknowledging progress and rewarding oneself

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